Sanitation Procedures:

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To prevent the spread of germs, our daycare strictly adheres to hygienic practices including :

  • Frequent and proper handwashing
  • Safe and sanitary diaper changing routines
  • Clean and well-maintained toileting facilities
  • Regular and thorough cleaning of all areas

These procedures create a healthy environment for all children.

Healthy Child Development:

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We prioritize the health and well-being of all children. Our program emphasizes:

  • Regular physical activity for toddlers and preschoolers
  • Ample opportunities for rest and relaxation
  • Safe sleep practices for infants

These routines contribute to optimal growth and development.

Child Health and Wellness:

We prioritize the health of each child in our care. Our program includes:

  • Routine health assessments and immunization verification
  • Clear guidelines for managing sick children
  • Safe and responsible medication administration procedures

By partnering with parents, we create a healthy environment for all children.

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Safety and Security:

We prioritize the safety of all children. Our facility undergoes regular inspections to ensure compliance with fire safety codes and other relevant standards. Our indoor and outdoor environments are meticulously maintained to eliminate hazards and create a secure play space for all.

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Emergency Preparedness:

We prioritize the safety of children during emergencies. Our staff undergoes regular training and drills for various scenarios, including fire and tornado preparedness. These measures ensure a swift and coordinated response to protect all children in our care.

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Injury and Illness Management :

  • Minor Injuries: Our staff is trained to provide immediate care for minor injuries. We will notify you in writing of any incidents, including the time, location, witnesses, and treatment provided.
  • Serious Injuries:

    In case of a serious injury, we will contact you immediately and seek emergency medical attention if necessary. Parents may be responsible for associated medical expenses.
  • Medical Consent:

    To ensure prompt medical care, please complete the Emergency Medical/First Aid Consent Form upon enrollment. This authorization allows us to provide necessary treatment in case of an emergency.
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Personal Belongings

To ensure a safe and focused learning environment, please refrain from sending personal items to childcare. This includes toys, valuables, and potentially hazardous objects such as coins, knives, or sharp items. We cannot be responsible for lost or damaged belongings.

For safety reasons, backpacks and diaper bags should not be stored at the facility. These items may contain hazards such as choking risks, medications, or creams.

To prevent strangulation and choking hazards, as mandated by DHS regulations, children should not wear necklaces (including amber), pacifier clips, or clothing with ties or hoods. Please ensure these items are removed before dropping off your child. Bibs and hooded shirts will be removed during nap time.

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We appreciate parents cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for all children.

Parental Arrangements

We understand that family structures vary, and we are committed to supporting children through changes in their home life. To ensure a smooth transition for your child, we kindly request that parental disputes are handled privately outside of the childcare setting.

  • Custody Arrangements:

    If you have a court-ordered custody agreement, please provide a copy for our records. This document will guide us in determining pick-up and drop-off procedures. We will maintain the confidentiality of these documents, using them solely as a reference when necessary.
  • In the absence of a court order, both parents will have equal pick-up and drop-off privileges. However, we may require additional documentation for court-related matters.
  • Conflict Resolution:

    We strive to create a positive and nurturing environment for all children. If ongoing parental conflict is disrupting the child’s well-being or the childcare program, we may need to reassess the child’s enrollment.
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Our primary focus is the chil's happiness and development. We encourage open communication and cooperation between parents to ensure a smooth transition during this challenging time.

Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Policy

  • Compliance with Investigations:

    Our facility will fully cooperate with any investigation conducted by Child Care Licensing, Child and Family Services, or law enforcement to ensure compliance with all licensing regulations. This includes providing unrestricted access to children for interview purposes.
  • Mandatory Reporting:

    All staff members are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse and neglect. Any suspicion of abuse or neglect must be immediately reported to the Child Maltreatment Hotline at 1-800-482-5964.
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We are committed to protecting the safety and well-being of all children in our care.